Publicaciones de Admin

Nuevas Bandas Playlist 7

New Bands Playlist 7

Nuevas Bandas Playlist 7. Incluyendo: Mr. Bukit, BRVS (Braves), Dorey The Wise, The Balloon Hoax, HEATERS, ScotDrakula, The Marphoi Project, Young Josh, Lunisolar, The Analog Affair, Lila Rose, Vague Advice, The French Broads, Rosechild, Water District, Rob May, My Echoes, Buzzmutt, The Canals, Miss Ohio, Piratez, Marijuanal.

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Nuevas Bandas Playlist 6

New Bands Playlist 6

Nuevas Bandas Playlist 6. Incluyendo: Hospital, Yorkshire Rats, The Luke Austin Band, Young Creatures, The Moving Pictures, Tiny Little Houses, Teribal Anamal, Kori, Moonlands, Paul Cook & The Chronicles, Eckhardt And The House, Rivers, Daisy Jean Russell, Kay Proudlove, Bye Mandu, Reburn, Big Friendlies, Ice Tester, Paper Pilots, Glacier Pacific, Audio Revival, 12gafs, Feral Conservatives, Alive Way, Anna Kuzniak.

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Nuevas Bandas Playlist 5

New Bands Playlist 5

Nuevas Bandas Playlist 5. Incluyendo: YAWNS, Filter Free Rodeo, Cochise, Trevor and The Joneses, John Citizen Band, Paper Days, The Shy Lips, Freeweights, The Beth Edges, NIHILS, Avindale, Lovisa Olsson, Young Josh, Drover Shy, Call Me Lust, Wonder, AViVAA, LOVATS, Nolita View, Japanther, Frisky Kids, Trisha Lurie, Malibu Goons, Truth About Vegas Band, Balue, Rasputin’s Secret Police, Exiles, SHOULD, Dowsers, r.a. kane.

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Nuevas Bandas Playlist 4

New Bands Playlist 4

Nuevas Bandas Playlist 4. Incluyendo: School, The Exploding Voids, Clouder, The Duskwhales, Kid XL, Howlin’ Hoffman, A Home. A Heart. Whatever., The High Wire, The Bright Midnight, Stoney, The Ghost In You, Call Me Lust, Miracles, Vincent Liou, Record/Start, No Kill, We Are The Storm, The Night Jars, Counterpoint Culture, Love Buzzard, The Wreck Up, Last Acts, Viscous Liquid, Great Hare, Ronen Green…

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