Frightened Rabbit at Pumpehuset (Copenhagen), concert review

Frightened Rabbits_Copenhagen

Frightened Rabbit yesterday in Copenhagen. I planned my meetings in Copenhagen with surgical precision around this date so I could fly the 500 miles and somebody else payed the air fare bill.

The venue is small, rough (old water pumping station) but intimate when full. Yesterday it was only half full. 250 attendants possibly, 300 tops! But somehow Scott seemed to manage and actually adapt. He performed one of the encores solo, with just an acoustic guitar and no microfones. Overwhelming Effect!

The gig was great, but not fantastic. The drums killed the initial three songs. Had they performed a thorough sound check prior to the gig, this wouldn’t have happened.

Songs from The Winter of Mixed Drinks dominated the play list. Surprisingly none of the songs from Sing The Greys appeared at all…

All in all, would I fly the 500 miles for this again. Hell yeah!!!